TheraFrost Therasage Ultimate Cold Plunge
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✔️Authorized Therasage Dealer: Quality You Can Trust
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TheraFrost is the most advanced portable cold immersion system available. TheraFrost is the only cold immersion with structured water, a double filtration system, a unique cooling system using enhanced gemstone technology and earth energetics, bursts of ozone into your water for purity, and temperature control. Start implementing the latest health trend in cold immersion therapy into your life!
TheraFrost is the only cold immersion system that employs a triple-patented integrated process for restructuring TheraFrost's water. This will take your cold plunging experience to the highest level possible. Immersing in structured water has immediate positive effects on every cell in the body!
We utilize Gemstone Technology in the TheraFrost to enhance your experience with earth energies. Gemstones include Amethyst, Jade, Tourmaline, Shungite, and Rose Quartz.
Read our comprehensive User Guide to learn more about the best practices for cold plunging and the benefits of this technique on the body and mind.